Our Does
Browse our doe gallery and check out the base of our herd. Good productive does

Whistle Valley Boer Goats is located in Myerstown, PA. We are Delmar & Sheila High and our six children. It's a family project and we enjoy raising our Boer Goats together. I, Delmar have been raising goats since 1991 when my Grandpa gave me my first goat. In 2019 we decided to transition to Fullblood Boers instead of the percentage goats we had previously. Our current herd sire is ADVBG Bulletproof **Ennobled (10810835) and we are very excited to improve our herd with his influence and outstanding genetics!
Who we are...
Our Bucks
Browse our gallery of outstanding Bucks

Goats For Sale
Looking to buy a Boer Goat? Click below to view our kids available for sale and learn more about how to purchase one for your own

Welcome to Whistle Valley Boer Goats
Contact us today for more info about our exceptional Boer Goats